Hafed Case Study

HAFED is a Cooperative Federation that markets packaged food items to consumers and agri-input products to farmers. Our task on social media was to build awareness of the range of consumer and agri-products and also highlight the programmes delivered by HAFED for farmers. The content for consumer-packaged goods was created around the brand and living a healthy lifestyle. There were cooking contests held to get more people to try out HAFED products. For the agri-input segment, the content route was to educate farmers on various operational concerns e.g., the right usage of insecticide, and how animal feeds help to increase a cow’s milk output. We joined forces with NSB production to produce engaging content and deliver high-impact social media campaigns.

Client: HAFED

Industry: FMCG & Agriculture

Services: Social Media Marketing


Post engagement


Organic traffic


Increase in followers


Decrease in cost per lead

Social Media Creatives

Hafed - Genuus
